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How to get Coaching Clients

How to get Clients with Online Marketing

Selling High End Coaching Consulting Programs & Services online is one of the fastest fastest ways to scale your business. However many coaches & consultants struggle to attract good quality clients who want, need and value what they do best.

Learning how to get clients online lets you rapidly grow your business, escape your geographical barriers, and become an online market leader.how-to-get-coaching-consulting-clients

How to Enrol Coaching & Consulting Clients Online

In this video, Sales Funnel Consultant Dallas McMillan explains how to enrol coaching & consulting clients with online marketing, lead generation & sales funnels.


Why use online marketing to Get Coaching & Consulting Clients?

One of the big advantages of using online marketing to enrol clients is it lets you reach a larger audience, making it easier to fill your high end coaching and consulting programs.

The increased reach of online marketing also lets you target high end clients for your premium 1:1 services.

How to Get Coaching & Consulting Clients Online

Hi, I’m Dallas McMillan and welcome to High Ticket Sales Funnels for coaches, consultants and professionals.

Today I’m going to talk to you about how you can use high ticket sales funnels in your business to sell your consulting services, coaching services, or online courses. These are the same sales funnels that we use in my business, Influential, to attract our own clients. We use these for our clients to help them grow their business.

High Ticket Sales Funnels to get Coaching & Consulting Clients

I’m going to share with you the three top-performing high ticket sales funnels for selling consulting services, coaching programs and online courses. The first one is the client sales funnel. The second is the webinar sales funnel. The third is the launch sales funnel. All of these have the potential to dramatically grow the revenue and profits in your business.



High Ticket Sales Funnel #1: The Client Funnel

Client Funnel - High Ticket Sales FunnelLet’s take a look at them one by one. The client sales funnel is the simplest funnel. With the client sales funnel, we start with a Facebook ad, we send people to a landing page. When they fill in their contact details to get the thing that we’re advertising, we send them to a ‘thank you’ page where we make the offer for a free coaching or consulting session, or it can be paid. They fill in some details to qualify for that call. We make sure they’re the kind of client that we want to work with and that we can get great results for, then we get them on strategy call. We demonstrate our value by showing them how we work, by giving them some coaching or consulting, exactly what they’re going to be buying. Then we enrol or make the sale.




High Ticket Sales Funnel #2 – The Webinar Funnel

High Ticket Sales Funnels #4 Webinar FunnelThe second type of funnel we’re going to cover is the webinar sales funnel. The webinar sales is very similar, however it lets us sell one to many. Instead of doing a one-on-one coaching call, we do a group coaching call on a webinar which lets us sell to people, many at a time. You can sell to tens, hundreds or even thousands of people at once. Again, we start with a Facebook ad or other promotion, send them to a landing page where we advertise either the webinar directly or perhaps we have a advertiser related offer. Then, after they download the offer, we say, “Hey, we’ve also got a webinar about this. Would you like to sign up?”

When they come along to the webinar, we’re able to make that presentation, demonstrate the value, show how we can use them, ideally with a client success story where we talk about someone just like them who starts with the problem that they’ve got, ideally it’s the same problem that we address in our initial lead magnet. Then we show them how we work with them to help them overcome that problem and the success they got by working with us. From there, we can either sell directly on the webinar or we can take them to a strategy call and sell on the phone instead.

WEbinar Funnel for High Ticket Sales


High Ticket Sales Funnel #3 – The Launch Funnel

High Ticket Sales Funnels #3 Launch FunnelThe third type of funnel is the launch sales funnel. This is often called the product launch formula, it’s popularized by a program called The Product Launch Formula. It’s basically a series of content, usually a series of videos and emails and other content, that helps build value before making an offer for the sale. Again, we start with a Facebook ad or other promotion, send them to a landing page where they opt-in for a series of videos and other training.

During that video series, we show them what their problem is, why they’ve got it, how they could improve, what results they could get by working with us. Then, at the end, we’ll an offer for the sale either on a webinar, on a video, or on a sales page, a text landing page. Then they end up buying the product or service.

Launch Funnel Video


How to Choose the Right Funnel for Your Business

You can see these are all pretty similar in a way but the details of their execution are quite different. I’ve written a book called High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches and Consultants. If you’d like to know more about how you can use these to grow your business, go along and download the book. You can just Google it, or you can click on the link below. Just type in High Ticket Sales Funnels, or if you can’t see a link … Or click on the link below, go and download the book and you’ll get access to my free training on how you can start using high ticket sales funnels to grow your business.

Great talking to you. Thanks, and I’ll see you on the other side.

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